
Saturday, August 3, 2013

Easy dotted neon nail art

Okay, this might be somewhat messy but just look past that, alright? This has got to be the one of simplest designs ever. You don't need any kind of skills to do this.

If you want to add a fun twist to your nails, all you have to do is get a dotting tool (doesn't matter if it's the end of a skewer, the end of a bobby pin or a tooth pick or even a pen).

Taken with flash

Here are the colors I used for my skittle mani before I added the dots:
  • Index: Sinful Colors - 24/7
  • Middle: China Glaze - Turned Up Turquoise
  • Ring: Orly - Glowstick
  • Little: Sinful Colors - 24/7
I painted 2 coats of each neon polish over 1 coat of China Glaze - White on White.

Taken with flash

Taken with flash
I used my dotting tool to create these dots. I used China Glaze - Turned Up Turquoise to dot over Sinful Colors - 24/7 and Orly - Charged Up over the other two nails.

Taken with flash

Easy or what? Barely any effort required and your nails will look super cute.

Thanks for reading!


  1. I looooove neon polishes!! I'm head over heels for Orly's Glowstick, even though I don't even own it myself. This is super cute! Stopping by from the Tell Us Tuesday linkup :)


    1. Hi Bailey! Thanks for stopping by. Neon is my new love too!! you should really add Glowstick to your collection and don't forget to do something funky with it when you do ;)

  2. These are so awesome! I love the neon - suuuuper cute!

    Thanks for linking up at Tell Us Tuesday!

    Lauren @

    1. Hi Lauren! Thank you!! Neon's great! Thanks for hosting xx


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